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Our Declaration

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all birthing people are created equal and strong, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of quality healthcare that meets their needs. That whenever healthcare becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, to advocate for a new system, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to positively influence their safety and happiness.

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Healthcare is a Basic Human Right. 

Everyone Deserves Access to Care.

Beyond that, they have a right to care built on the foundations of:

  • Autonomy

  • Respect
  • Safety

  • Consent

  • Teamwork

  • Communication


The right to self-govern, or to make decisions for yourself. 
In a healthcare setting, this would mean that a provider may give you recommendations and guidance, you get to make the final decisions about what happens to you.


Acceptance of someone regardless of who they are, what they look like, where they are from, what their history is, or how they got there.


Being protected from harm, risk, or injury. In a healthcare setting, this means that you are not being harmed the process of receiving care. Safety isn't just physical- this could also be mental, moral, financial, or emotional.


It means an agreement or approval. 
In healthcare, providers and nurses are trained that this goes one step further to "informed consent", and is necessary for providers to proceed with surgeries, procedures, studies. This means the person that is receiving a good or service or participating in care was told the good, the bad, and the ugly about the situation as well as other options they have.


A group of people combine effort to meet one goal. The end result is not just up to one person. Everyone is responsible for contributing.
In a healthcare setting, a variety of people may be involved with the most important team member being the person receiving the care.


Sending, receiving, or sharing information. This should occur between all members of the team, and is a part of teamwork. This is a crucial component that influences all of the other foundations. It should never occur in one direction. Communication should be a constant exchange.


(Verb) Meaning "to support or argue for"

This term is frequently used in healthcare to mean that someone is acting in the best interest or speaking up for the patient / client. All healthcare providers are taught to be an advocate for their patient / client. This does not mean their actions are always in line with this.

Sometimes, you may have to advocate for yourself. 

This does not make you "noncompliant".

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